Finance Club – CV Guide

May 1, 2024
Finance Club
The Finance Career

CVs are an essential part of any job application. Especially in the finance sector, it is important to have a well-structured CV with a suitable format. Recruiters often only look at it very briefly before deciding whether to continue, and candidates without a suitable CV are quickly eliminated.

The Finance Club provides you with a CV template specially adapted for the finance sector. Download the template here as a Word document, and here as a PDF. You can then use the guide below to fill out the template according to your education, professional experience, etc. The template is only intended to provide a broad framework for a suitable CV. Feel free to make adjustments to tailor it to your needs.

Once you have edited the CV, you will find a checklist at the end of the blog page. Read it carefully and check whether you have followed the respective points in your CV. Then you're good to go!


In the following, we explain the different sections of a CV, what content should be included in each section and what needs to be considered in each case.

Header: The first section is the header. This is where you write your first name and surname, as well as your physical address, telephone number and email address. For your telephone number, you should make sure that you also include the area code (+41 for Swiss numbers) if you’re applying abroad. Use an email address that you check regularly. You don’t need to put a picture on your CV.

Education: Education follows below the header. As with all sections, the order is chronological, i.e. the most recent position is at the top and the oldest at the bottom. For example, you can write your Bachelor’s degree at the top and your Matura below. Especially for university studies, you should calculate and enter your GPA. Below this, you can then write down modules with grades that you would like to highlight. Modules that you have completed with a very good grade and that are relevant to the position in question are suitable for this.

Work Experience: Next comes the work experience. Add your current position at the top and older ones below. For each position, you should state in a few bullet points what your work there involved and what results you achieved. Be specific, fact-based and use meaningful sentences. Always start with action verbs (you can find a list of action verbs here). For example, a bullet point could be: „Developed a new strategy to execute xy; led to an increase in sales of CHF 1m” or „Created a pitch for a CHF 1.3m project“. If your CV is too long because of your work experience (it should only be one page), you don't need to write down all your jobs. For example, if you had a student job that is completely irrelevant to the position you are applying for, simply leave it out.

Extracurricular Activities: In this category, you can list your activities that go beyond the academic and professional sphere. For example, if you are involved in a student club, this should be included here. But you can also list activities in a sports club, voluntary work, etc. Here you can demonstrate your motivation and social skills and therefore stand out from the competition. Important: Start with action verbs here too and use meaningful sentences. You should not list general hobbies such as scuba diving here - that's what the last point is for.

Skills & Interests: This section is usually divided into three subsections: Languages, IT Skills, and Interests. In Languages, you can note your language skills and the respective level. Do you have a certificate, such as the Cambridge? Great, add this. The same applies to IT Skills: write down programs that you are familiar with. If you have a certificate, that’s even better. Because anyone can say they are proficient in Microsoft Office 365. But you can prove it with a certificate. In the last section, “Interests”, you can list your personal hobbies and interests: cooking, snowboarding, politics, etc.


  • Are there no grammatical or spelling errors?
  • Is the font size consistent for all titles and sections?
  • Is the font consistent?
  • Do all sentences in the "Work Experience" and "Extracurricular Activities" sections begin with action verbs?
  • Is the CV only one page long?
  • Is the order of the positions listed in descending order?
  • Are my mobile phone number and email address up to date?
  • Are all the abbreviations and technical terms I use clear to the person reading my CV?
  • Have I given the CV to at least one other person to proofread?
  • Am I using the correct tense for each activity?
  • Is my GPA up to date and correctly calculated?
  • Are the "Relevant Modules" adjusted to the position I am applying for?
  • Are my experience and skills quantified wherever possible, e.g. with certificates?